Monday, February 7, 2011

She-ro: Leslie Knope

It may sound odd, but my newest she-ro is Leslie Knope.  From Parks and Recreation.  She has a job that she loves, and she works hard at it.  That's what I'm hoping for.

One life goal has been accomplished--have an awesome husband.  Now I need a job I love.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

At night

One of my favorite parts of each day: the minutes that sometimes turn into over an hour of talking to Matthew as we crawl into our bed at night.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

New ventures

A semester of student teaching.  A wedding to plan.  A four month long-distance relationship with my then-fiancĂ©.  A wedding.  A honeymoon.  A move to Wilmington, NC.

These are the noticeable moments that consumed much of my life for over four months.  Now, I'm left with the memories of them and something larger than all of them.

A marriage. A new family.  A small family consisting of my husband, our dog, our cat, and myself.

Wedding presents to finally get around to unpacking.  Graduate school.  Learning/practicing Spanish.  Working.  Figuring out my new role as a wife.  And of course, new vegetarian recipes.

These are the things I have on my to-do list this year, our newlywed year.

Supper tonight, that Matthew and I prepared together, was Middle Eastern Garbanzo Beans and Macaroni.  A delicious dish from a vegetarian cookbook that I received as a Christmas present.  Our first new recipe as husband and wife gets an A. 

I look forward to many more.